Monday, May 7, 2018

Gardening in my Roots, post May-the-Fource

May 7 in North Texas and the temperature chart has added another tick at the top:
the 90 degree mark. (For the rest of the world, that's 32)

We won't likely be losing that vertical line for a long time, and when it finally happens, an early frost will kill any plants still alive. Pretty negative, no? How can I not be? The spinach is four inches tall and bolting; the bok choy is harvested (already bolting), and broccoli is 'buttoning' instead of producing decent heads.

My only hope of growing these plants is a cold frame and an extra early start. Maybe even a fall start. But here's something much more positive:

This was planted last fall and left to overwinter. It may not look like much, but it tastes great. I'm not much of a gourmet, but I can really tell the difference in taste between supermarket carrots and home-grown.

As long as I have a plot to plant in, I'll be planting carrots. And this. Always this.

And maybe sneak a little squash in--it's so purty when it's small.

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