Friday, May 25, 2012

Day 206 - steak for dinner

I picked a small bowl of beans and a little lettuce.  The peppers are doing great despite the heat, but oddly enough, the tomatoes are looking horrid and losing their lower leaves.  The purple hull peas are taking up the slack--I never saw such a healthy row of peas.

Izzy's eating a steak bone in her cage.  It sounds like she's enjoying it.

Tomorrow, after I help a friend move, I'll get to stop by Local Yokel and get some pork for Sunday.  If they have chicken breast, I might buy some of that, too--for next weekend's meal.  This Sunday I'm going to adapt a sweet-and-sour pork recipe to use the zucchini that the egg lady gave me...maybe I shouldn't.  Maybe I should do a teriyaki beef instead...we will see.

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